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Pre-built, Fully Customizable
Personal Finance Courses

Equip students with essential financial life skills while satisfying state standards across Math, Econ, Business & CTE.
Financial Math
Personal Finance
College & Careers
Advanced Investing
personalFinance financial literacy Rapunzl Course Icon

Personal Finance

Grades 6-12th
~90 Hours of Content
Learn fundamental principles of personal finance, including saving, investing, credit management, and financial decision-making, to build a strong financial foundation.

Topics Covered:

Managing Risk

Available Resources:

In-Depth Lesson Plans

Accompanying Teacher Guides

Presentations Accessible Via PDF & Google Slides

Interactive Activities & Articles

Integrated Multiple Choice Assessments

View Personal Finance Course
Align With Your State Standards
All curriculum content is available in English and Spanish and hosted through Google Cloud. This ensures all content is screen reader accessible and easy to integrate with existing classroom technology.
Simulated Investing Competition wiht middle and high school Scholarships

Immersive, Hard & Soft Skill Development

Simulating a portfolio helps students develop hard skills such as financial analysis, investment strategy, and risk management by engaging them in real-world financial decision-making.

Gamified simulators also help cultivate soft skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. As students learn to navigate market fluctuations and make informed decisions under pressure, our program helps build resiliency and confidence.
illustration of Rapunzl presentation guides and investing curriculum

Step-By-Step Presentation Guides For Parents

Rapunzl offers detailed step-by-step teacher guides that include engagement prompts and leading questions, making it easier for anyone to facilitate dynamic and interactive lessons.

These comprehensive personal finance and investing resources ensure teachers can effectively guide your kids through complex financial concepts while encouraging critical thinking and active participation.
google cloud logo showing compatability with Rapunzl curriculum

Rapunzl's curriculum is hosted through Google Cloud

This ensures that Rapunzl's personal finance curriculum is accessible for every educator and student by leveraging Google's suite of accessibility features.
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Plug & Play
Modular Curriculum

Check out any of Rapunzl's 25 modules below, organized into 4 learning tracks that can provide a full-semester course or supplement an existing Math, Econ, Business or CTE course.
All modules are aligned with the Council of Economic Education’s National Financial Education Standards, as well as state standards.
See How We Align With Your State Standards
Rapunzl personal finance curriculum mdoules for middle and high school

Expansive Personal Finance Resources With Each Module

Rapunzl has a library with 100+ hours of financial literacy resources to help you cover the most important aspects of each financial topic.
Real-Time Simulator
In-depth articles
Interactive activities
Shareable Presentations
Printable worksheets
Rapunzl personal finance program was built for accessibility

Accessible & Engaging Personal Finance Curriculum

Rapunzl is accessible to students, teachers, parents, and guardians seeking to promote financial literacy.

All products are ADA compliant, making it suitable for educating students with diverse learning needs, including those who need support with English as a Second Language, Special Education, cognitive disabilities, and auditory processing.
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Rapunzl Cares About Students’ Data Privacy

Rapunzl complies fully with restrictions set by COPPA and FERPA—we don't store personally identifiable information such as a student’s age, location, gender, or ethnicity.

Under FERPA, parents and eligible students (aged 18 and over) shall be able to access the student’s records upon request to Rapunzl until records are deleted at the end of the school year.
View Rapunzl Data Policy