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Rapunzl Platform multi device accessibility for financial literacy in classrooms

Bring Financial Literacy To Life

Engage 6th - 12th graders with a gamified personal finance curriculum & real-time investment simulator.
Bring Financial Literacy
To Life
Engage 6th - 12th graders with a gamified personal finance curriculum & real-time investment simulator.

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Help Your Students
Earn While They learn

Our program provides a learn-by-doing pathway to spark students’ curiosities around finance. We then leverage that engagement to provide students with a financial lens to view the world.

Students simulate $10,000 stock and crypto portfolios in real-time, access a personal finance curriculum, and compete in a national scholarship competition.
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We Align To State & National Standards

Rapunzl's curriculum combines real-world learning with standards-aligned lesson plans to build a strong foundational understanding of personal finance.

Rapunzl’s project-based, financial literacy programs elevates engagement, increase retention, and improve learning outcomes across middle and high school as a standalone course or supplementary tool.

See How To Bring
Financial Literacy To Life

Frequently Asked
How does Rapunzl work?
What does Rapunzl look like in the classroom?
What grade levels can use Rapunzl?
How long is Rapunzl’s curriculum?
Can Rapunzl be used as a supplementary tool?
Does Rapunzl offer teacher training?
Who is already using Rapunzl?
What does Rapunzl cost?
Can I receive demo access to a sandbox account?

Why The Name Rapunzl?

People often view the world of finance & high-returns of Wall Street as trapped in an Ivory Tower - inaccessible and out of reach for most.

Rapunzl provides everyone with an opportunity to learn how to invest; and by doing so, we are rolling down the hair which allows everyone to climb to financial success.
See Rapunzl's Educator Tools
home cartoon illustrating homeschool personal finance program from Rapunzl

Homeschool with Rapunzl

Rapunzl provides a comprehensive personal finance curriculum that fits easily into your homeschooling education plan. Plus, the grading interface helps you track your child’s progress and learning outcomes.
View Course Catalog For Parents
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What Teachers Are Saying About Rapunzl

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Rapunzl has been a game-changer for my students since I started using it in 2019.

I can provide hands-on experience with real-world learning, bringing economic theories to life and enabling students to see the immediate impact of market changes while learning discipline in a risk-free environment.
Joshua Levine
CTE & Business Teacher
New Utrecht High School

New York City, NY
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Rapunzl was an amazing resource when teaching my personal finance unit.

My learners loved the interactive stock market simulation and still check their portfolios a month after concluding the unit. The activities regarding the basics of investing were incredibly helpful to get students engaged.
Christine Ward
Social Sciences & Civics Teacher
Northern Cass High School

Fargo, ND
testimonial from rapunzl personal finance teacher thumbnail
Integrating Rapunzl into our curriculum has sparked renewed interest in math among my students and provide a risk-free way to teach about investing.

It's been really helpful to bridge the gap between theory and practical skills by showing the real-world relevance of math skills.
Benjamin Craig
Mathematics Teacher
Mather High School

Chicago, IL
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Rapunzl Cares About Students’ Data Privacy

Rapunzl complies fully with restrictions set by COPPA and FERPA—we don't store personally identifiable information such as a student’s age, location, gender, or ethnicity.

Under FERPA, parents and eligible students (aged 18 and over) shall be able to access the student’s records upon request to Rapunzl until records are deleted at the end of the school year.
View Rapunzl Data Policy